Unlocking Creativity: The Technological Design Journey

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Identify the Problem

It all starts with a problem. You notice that your town has a lot of trash piling up, and it's causing pollution. So, your problem statement is clear: "How can we reduce trash and pollution in our town?"

Research the Problem

 You don't have all the answers, so you start researching. You learn about recycling, composting, and eco-friendly materials. You gather information about different ways to tackle the trash problem.

Generate Possible Solutions

With all this knowledge, you brainstorm ideas. Maybe you think of a trash-sorting robot, a composting program, or reusable shopping bags. You have several potential solutions.

Select the Best Solution

After careful thinking, you decide that a composting program for your town is the best idea. It's eco-friendly, doable, and cost-effective.

Create & Test Models

Now, it's time to bring your idea to life. You create a small-scale composting setup in your backyard using buckets and kitchen scraps. You want to see if it really works.

Refine and Retest the Model

Your first composting model has some issues—it smells bad and attracts pests. So, you refine your design. You try different composting methods, tweak the balance of materials, and make it better.

Communicate the Final Solution

Finally, you have a foolproof composting system. You write down all the details, create clear instructions, and share your plan with the town council. They love your idea and decide to implement it in the whole town.

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