The periodic table Grade 8 Science Worksheets

Periodic Table Overview


 All known elements, both naturally occurring and artificially created, are represented in the Periodic Table, arranged by atomic number and following the Periodic Law.

Periods and Groups


Rows (Periods) represent energy levels, and columns (Groups) represent families of elements with similar properties and the same number of valence electrons.

Element Categories


The table includes Alkali Metals, Alkaline-Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Post-Transition Metals, Metalloids, Non-Metals, Halogens, and Noble Gases, each with distinct properties.

Chemical Reactivity


Elements in the same group share similar chemical properties. For example, Alkali Metals are highly reactive, while Noble Gases are mostly non-reactive.

Trends in Atomic Size


 Atomic radius decreases across a period due to increasing nuclear charge and increases down a group due to additional energy levels.

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