States of Matter

The Strength of Solids

Solids are strong and stable. They have a definite shape and resist changes. Think of wood or stone - they're tough and unyielding. But did you know some solids, like metals, can be shaped into wires or sheets?

The Flow of Liquids

Liquids flow and adapt to their surroundings. Imagine water or gasoline, taking the shape of their container. They can't be easily compressed, making them unique and essential to life as we know it.

The Freedom of Gases

Gases are free spirits! They have no fixed shape or volume, expanding to fill any space. From helium balloons to the air we breathe, gases are all around us. And guess what? They can be compressed into tiny spaces!

The Dance of Molecules

When matter changes state, it's all about the molecules moving faster or slower. Heat them up, and they dance faster, turning solids into liquids and liquids into gases. Cool them down, and the dance slows, reversing the process.

Water's Triple Life

Water is a master of disguise! At 100°C, it turns into vapor, and at 0°C, it becomes ice. Yet, it's still H2O! Curious to learn more?

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