Interactions of Living Things Grade 7 Worksheets

Living things interact with each other in a variety of ways. These interactions can be positive, negative, or neutral.

Positive interactions occur when both organisms benefit from the interaction. For example, bees and flowers have a mutualistic relationship. The bees get nectar and pollen from the flowers, and the flowers are pollinated by the bees.

Negative interactions occur when one organism benefits at the expense of another. For example, a lion eating a zebra is an example of predation. The lion benefits from eating the zebra, but the zebra is harmed or killed.

Neutral interactions occur when there is no significant effect on either organism. For example, two deer grazing in the same meadow may not have any effect on each other.

Interactions of living things play a role in maintaining the balance of nature. For example, predators help to control the populations of their prey.

Understanding interactions of living things is important for appreciating the interconnectedness of life. It can also help us to make informed decisions about how to manage our environment.  

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