How Forces Shape Our World?

Imagine you need to move a chair. How do you do it? You can push or pull it, right? That’s force in action! Force is what makes things move or change their speed or shape.

Force in Sports ⚾

Think about baseball. When you hit the ball, you use force to send it flying! And when the catcher stops it, they use force too. Force helps us move objects and stop them!

Changing Directions 🎾

In tennis, players hit the ball with their racquet, changing its direction. That’s force working again! It helps us control where things go. Isn’t that cool?

Shaping Things

 Love creating with mud craft? Force helps you mold and sculpt the mud into anything you imagine, making creativity possible.

Want to learn more about forces, their types, friction, and more? Join us at eTutorWorld for engaging online classes and enriching materials. Discover your true potential with us! 🚀

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