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Types of Waves

Grade 7 Science Worksheets

A wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium, such as water or air, and transfers energy from one place to another. A wave does not transfer matter, but it does transfer energy.

Table of Contents:

  • Types of Waves
  • Mechanical Waves
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • FAQs
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Types of Waves

Think about when you drop a pebble into a calm lake. Ripples spread out from the point where the pebble hit the water, and these ripples are an example of a wave. The energy from the pebble’s fall is transferred through the water, causing the ripples to move away from the point of impact.

Another example of a wave is a sound wave. Sound waves travel through the air, and they are created by vibrations in a solid, liquid, or gas. For example, when you play a musical instrument, the vibrations of the strings or reeds cause sound waves to travel through the air and reach your ear.

Waves can also have different properties, such as wavelength, frequency, and amplitude.

Wavelength is the distance between two peaks of a wave, frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given time period, and amplitude is the height of a wave from its midpoint to its highest peak.

These properties help to describe and understand different types of waves, such as light waves and radio wave

Waves can be categorized into: Mechanical Waves and Electromagnetic Waves.

Mechanical Waves

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium, such as a solid, liquid, or gas, to transfer energy from one place to another. Unlike electromagnetic waves, which can travel through a vacuum, mechanical waves cannot travel through a vacuum because they need a medium to transfer energy.


mechanical waves


Two common examples of mechanical waves are sound waves and ocean waves.

Sound waves are created by vibrations in a solid, liquid, or gas and travel through the air to reach our ears. For example, when you speak, the vibrations of your vocal cords cause sound waves to travel through the air and reach someone’s ear.

Ocean waves are created by the wind blowing over the surface of the water. The wind creates ripples that grow into larger waves, which can travel across the ocean. When the waves reach the shore, they transfer their energy to the shore, causing the water to move up and down, creating the waves that you see at the beach.

These are just two examples of mechanical waves, but there are many others, such as seismic waves, which are created by earthquakes, and surface waves, which are created by objects moving across the surface of a liquid.

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Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are waves that don’t need a medium, such as a solid, liquid, or gas, to transfer energy. Instead, they can travel through a vacuum, which means they can travel through empty space.


electromagnetic waves


Electromagnetic waves are made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to one another and to the direction of wave propagation. The motion of charged particles creates these fields, and they transfer energy through space.

There are many types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Here are a few examples of electromagnetic waves that you might be familiar with:

Radio Waves: These are the longest electromagnetic waves and are used for communication, such as in radio and television broadcasting.

Microwaves: These are used for communication and for cooking food in a microwave oven.

Infrared Radiation: This is the type of electromagnetic wave that gives off heat, such as from a stove or a radiator.

Visible Light: This is the type of electromagnetic wave that our eyes can see, such as from the sun or a light bulb.

Ultraviolet Radiation: This is the type of electromagnetic wave that can cause sunburns and is also used in black lights.

X-rays: These are used to see inside the body, such as in medical X-rays.

Gamma Rays: These are the shortest electromagnetic waves produced by nuclear reactions.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of electromagnetic waves. Each type of electromagnetic wave has a different wavelength and frequency, which determines its properties and how it interacts with matter.


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Types of Waves FAQs

What are the different types of waves?

There are two main types of waves: mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves require a medium to transfer energy, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Within these two categories, there are many subtypes, such as sound waves, ocean waves, seismic waves, radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What is the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium to transfer energy, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Mechanical waves are created by the vibration of a solid, liquid, or gas, while electromagnetic waves are created by the motion of charged particles.

How do electromagnetic waves differ from one another?

Each type of electromagnetic wave has a different wavelength and frequency, which determines its properties and how it interacts with matter. For example, radio waves have a longer wavelength and a lower frequency than X-rays, which have a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency.

How do electromagnetic waves interact with matter?

Electromagnetic waves can interact with matter in different ways, depending on the type of electromagnetic wave and the type of matter it encounters. For example, visible light can pass through transparent materials, such as glass, but is absorbed by opaque materials, such as a wall. X-rays can penetrate some materials, such as skin, but are absorbed by denser materials, such as bones.

Can mechanical waves travel through a vacuum?

No, mechanical waves cannot travel through a vacuum because they require a medium to transfer energy.

Kathleen Currence is one of the founders of eTutorWorld. Previously a middle school principal in Kansas City School District, she has an MA in Education from the University of Dayton, Ohio. She is a prolific writer, and likes to explain Science topics in student-friendly language. LinkedIn Profile

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