Explore the Fascinating Forms of Energy!


Energy, it powers our bodies, fuels our machines, and lights up our world. Let’s uncover its wonders! Can you think of other activities where energy is essential?

Energy comes in many forms: light, heat, electrical, sound, chemical, mechanical, and more! What forms of energy can you spot in your surroundings right now?

5. Electrical Energy

1. Kinetic Energy

2. Potential Energy

3. Thermal (Heat) Energy

4. Chemical Energy

6. Nuclear Energy

Potential Energy

A dam holds water at a height, storing potential energy before the water races down. Can you name other examples of potential energy around you?

Kinetic Energy

Water released from a dam flows and spins turbines to generate electricity. How do you use kinetic energy in your daily activities?

Energy Innovations

How do different forms of energy contribute to modern civilization and why is it important to study them?

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