Energy Resources Grade 7 Science Worksheets

 Types of Energy Resources


 Energy resources are classified into non-renewable (coal, oil, wood, gas) and renewable (wind, solar, hydroelectric, wave power) resources.

 Fossil Fuels


 Fossil fuels, formed from ancient organic matter, are used to generate electricity but produce harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

 Solar Energy


 Solar energy harnesses the sun's heat and light through passive methods (building design) and active methods (solar panels), though its effectiveness can be limited by weather conditions.

 Wind Energy


Wind turbines convert wind into electricity without pollution, but their efficiency depends on the presence of wind, which varies by location.

 Hydroelectric and Geothermal Energy


 Hydroelectric power generates electricity from flowing water in dams, while geothermal energy harnesses heat from the earth, both being renewable and continuously replenished.



Biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel are produced from organic materials, including crops and vegetable oil, and are used for heating, cooking, and as vehicle fuels in specific applications.

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