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Coordinate Point

Grade 6 Math Worksheets

In the vast landscape of mathematics, certain concepts serve as the building blocks upon which the entire edifice of mathematical understanding is constructed. One such concept that stands as a cornerstone in various mathematical fields, from geometry to physics and beyond, is that of the “coordinate point.”

At first glance, the term might sound complex but fear not – in its essence, a coordinate point is a simple yet powerful idea that allows us to locate and describe positions in space precisely.

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Defining the Coordinate Point:

Imagine you’re on a treasure hunt, searching for the exact location of a hidden gem. How would you communicate its position to someone else? Enter the coordinate point, a mathematical tool that enables us to communicate positions in a standardized and universally understandable manner.

A coordinate point is a specific location in a given space that’s defined by a set of numerical values. These values are typically represented as an ordered pair, (x, y), where ‘x’ denotes the horizontal position and ‘y’ represents the vertical position. In a sense, the coordinate point acts as an address that uniquely identifies a spot in space, much like latitude and longitude do on a map.

The Coordinate Plane:

To visualize the idea of a coordinate point, imagine a two-dimensional plane – think of it as a piece of graph paper. The x-axis runs horizontally, while the y-axis runs vertically. The point where these two axes intersect is known as the origin, usually denoted as (0, 0). This origin serves as a reference point from which we measure the distances along the x and y axes to determine the coordinates of any other point on the plane.

Exploring the Coordinates:

Let’s take an example to solidify this concept. Consider a point located 3 units to the right of the origin (along the x-axis) and 4 units above it (along the y-axis). The coordinates of this point would be (3, 4), indicating that its horizontal position is 3 and its vertical position is 4.

It’s worth noting that this concept isn’t limited to just two dimensions; it extends seamlessly into higher dimensions. For instance, a point is identified in three dimensions by a triple (x, y, z), where ‘z’ represents the height or depth.

Applications and Significance:

The power of coordinate points lies in their ability to precisely describe positions and locations, making them indispensable in fields like geometry, physics, engineering, and computer science. Everything from mapping out flight paths to designing intricate structures relies on this concept to navigate and understand space.

Order pair:

An ordered pair is a fundamental concept in mathematics, especially when dealing with coordinate points. It is a way to organize and represent two distinct pieces of information in a specific sequence. In the context of coordinate points, an ordered pair is used to describe the position of a point in a two-dimensional plane.

In an ordered pair (x, y), the first element ‘x’ represents the horizontal position of the point along the x-axis, and the second element ‘y’ represents the vertical position of the point along the y-axis. The order matters because it dictates which value corresponds to the horizontal position and which value corresponds to the vertical position. Swapping the order of the elements would change the meaning and the position being described.

For example, consider the ordered pair (3, 5). It means the point is located 3 units to the right along the x-axis and 5 units above along the y-axis in the coordinate plane. If we switch the order to (5, 3), the point would be located 5 units to the right along the x-axis and 3 units above along the y-axis, resulting in a different position.

What is “Abscissa” in the coordinate point?

In the context of coordinate points, the term “abscissa” refers to one of the components of an ordered pair that represents the position of a point in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The abscissa specifically refers to the horizontal component of the ordered pair, denoted as the ‘x’ value.

In simpler terms, the abscissa tells us how far to the right or left a point is located along the x-axis of the coordinate plane. When you’re given an ordered pair (x, y), ‘x’ represents the abscissa, determining the point’s horizontal position. A positive ‘x’ value indicates movement to the right from the origin (the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect), while a negative ‘x’ value indicates movement to the left.

For example, if you have an ordered pair (3, 2), the abscissa (horizontal position) is 3, meaning the point is located 3 units to the right of the origin along the x-axis.

In summary, the abscissa is the horizontal component of an ordered pair that specifies the position of a point in a two-dimensional coordinate system. It helps us understand the point’s location along the x-axis in relation to the origin.

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Some examples:

Example 1: Plotting Points on a Graph

Consider the ordered pairs (2, 4), (-3, 1), and (0, -2). These ordered pairs represent points on a Cartesian plane. To plot these points:

  • For (2, 4), move 2 units to the right along the x-axis and then 4 units up along the y-axis to find the point (2, 4).
  • For (-3, 1), move 3 units to the left along the x-axis and then 1 unit up along the y-axis to find the point (-3, 1).
  • For (0, -2), stay at the origin and move 2 units down along the y-axis to find the point (0, -2).


Example 2: Finding the Distance Between Two Points

Given the points A(3, 5) and B(-2, -1), you can calculate the distance between them using the distance formula:

Distance = √((x₂ – x₁)² + (y₂ – y₁)²)

Substituting the coordinates of A and B: Distance = √((-2 – 3)² + (-1 – 5)²) = √((-5)² + (-6)²) = √(25 + 36) = √61

So, the distance between points A and B is √61 units.


Example 3: Equations of Lines

Given two points, you can find the equation of the line passing through them. For instance, if you have points P(2, 3) and Q(5, 7), you can find the equation of the line that passes through them. The equation will be in the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where ‘m’ is the slope and ‘b’ is the y-intercept.

First, find the slope: Slope (m) = (Change in y) / (Change in x) = (7 – 3) / (5 – 2) = 4 / 3

Now, use the slope and one of the points (let’s use P) to find the equation: 

y – 3 = (4/3)(x – 2)

Simplifying: y = (4/3)x – 8/3 + 9/3 

y = (4/3)x + 1/3


Example 4: Quadrants and Symmetry

Points on the coordinate plane are categorized into four quadrants. For example:

  • Quadrant I: Positive ‘x’ and positive ‘y’ (top right)
  • Quadrant II: Negative ‘x’ and positive ‘y’ (top left)
  • Quadrant III: Negative ‘x’ and negative ‘y’ (bottom left)
  • Quadrant IV: Positive ‘x’ and negative ‘y’ (bottom right)

For a point like (−4, 3), it falls in Quadrant II.

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What is a coordinate point in mathematics?

A coordinate point is a specific location in a two-dimensional or multidimensional space, represented by an ordered pair (x, y) or ordered triple (x, y, z), where ‘x’ represents the horizontal position along the x-axis, ‘y’ represents the vertical position along the y-axis, and ‘z’ (if applicable) represents the position along the z-axis.

How are coordinate points used in graphing?

Coordinate points are used to plot locations on a Cartesian plane. The ‘x’ value determines the horizontal position, and the ‘y’ value determines the vertical position. You can create graphs of functions, lines, curves, and shapes by plotting these points.

What is the significance of the origin in a coordinate system?

The origin is the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect (and possibly the z-axis in three dimensions). It has coordinates (0, 0) (and potentially (0, 0, 0)). All other points’ positions are determined in relation to the origin.

What is an abscissa?

The abscissa is the horizontal component of an ordered pair representing a coordinate point. It refers to the ‘x’ value, which indicates how far the point is located to the right or left along the x-axis.

How do you calculate the distance between two coordinate points?

The distance between two points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) can be calculated using the distance formula: Distance = √((x₂ – x₁)² + (y₂ – y₁)²).

Gloria Mathew writes on math topics for K-12. A trained writer and communicator, she makes math accessible and understandable to students at all levels. Her ability to explain complex math concepts with easy to understand examples helps students master math. LinkedIn

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