Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate Partnerships

Online Tutoring

1. Will I have the same tutor who took the trial?

Yes, we will have a dedicated tutor for your child. This will make the learning more effective. We do not change the tutor unless you ask for a change.

2. Which curriculum will be followed?

Here we have 2 options:

  1. You can share the curriculum that you want us to follow
  2. If you do not have one, we can follow the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge Skills) curriculum.
3. Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, all tutoring sessions will be recorded. The recordings will be uploaded to your portal where the student can replay to review and the parents can even check to see what their child is studying and how their child is progressing. These are usually uploaded within 6-8 hours of the session.

4. Will my child get homework too?

Yes, a practice worksheet will be emailed to you after every session to ensure assimilation and review of the concept taught. Your student can either solve and mail it back to the tutor or keep it ready for discussion in the next session.

5. Will there be periodic assessments?

Yes. Usually after teaching a few concepts, the tutor will assess your child to monitor their learning progress.

6. How long will the regular sessions be?

Regular sessions will be for an hour. If required primary students can take a 5-7 minutes break during the session.

7. Can I share homework, review packets, quizzes from school?

Yes, you can email the same to the tutor, and it will be taken care of in the session.

Technology Requirements
  • Stable Internet connection
  • Laptop/Desktop/Tablet
  • Headsets to reduce background noise (Recommended)
  • Pen Tablet for ease of writing on the shared whiteboard (Recommended)

Virtual Learning Pods

1. How many students will be there in a pod?

Each pod will have 4 students.

2. Can we make our own pods?

Yes, you can create your own virtual learning pod of 4 students of the same grade and who want to learn the same subject.

3. How are pods created?

Students of the same grade and subject are in the same pod.

4. Can I change my pod after some time?

We would prefer that the pod remains changed, as all pods may have different learning levels. However, we can consider it on a case-to-case basis.

5. Can I shift from a learning pod to 1-on-1 tutoring?

Yes, you can move from a pod to 1-on-1 tutoring sessions by paying the difference amount.

6. Can we choose our date and timings for the pod sessions?

You can choose from the available day and time options, but confirmation will be given on first-come, first-served basis. So once you pay, book your sessions in advance to get the date and time of your choice.

7. If I miss a session in a pod, will I be charged?

Yes, you will be charged if you miss a session. However, the practice material will be shared with you.

8. Can we cancel a session of the entire pod?

A pod session cannot be cancelled.

9. Can we study 2 different subjects in 1 session?

As we have subject experts, doing two subjects in one session may not be possible.

10. How many sessions can we do in a week or day?

We prefer doing 1 session every day, over 5 or 6 days of the week. Depending on the availability, you can even take more.

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